Suzanne Schulz

2024-25 Culture Push Fellow

Suzanne Schulz (she/her) is a video artist, researcher, and educator. Her videos, which explore work, debt, reconciliation, and friendship have screened at Rooftop films, Hunter College, and at the University Film and Video Association. Suzanne is an MFA candidate in the Integrated Media Arts at CUNY-Hunter College and has received fellowships from the Fulbright Foundation, the ACLS/Mellon Foundation and the Library of Congress. In her research-based artistic practice and her teaching at Bard Early College Queens, Suzanne draws on her experiences and training in South Asian Studies and Media Studies. 


The I Need More Time Machine is a multifaceted research, oral history, and video installation project that draws on the experiences of a wide array of female-identifying New Yorkers in the past, present and future to examine labor, feeling of overwhelm, exhaustion, and technologies of rest. The project seeks to test, model, and create a fantasy-imbued solution for female workers-caretakers’ race against a relentless capitalist clock. The I Need More Time Machine alters the labor movement's credo "8 hours labor, 8 hours rest, 8 hours recreation," with the motto: “Limitless hours of rejuvenating dream time.” The project will culminate in the public installation of viewing/listening spaces.

Still frame from “I Need More Time Machine”