Show Don’t Tell Symposium
June 10th - June 29th & July 8th 2023
The sixth anniversary of the Show Don’t Tell Symposium was a chance experience the evolving work of the Culture Push Fellows and Associated Artists.
Through public workshops, screenings, and presentations this annual symposium offers an opportunity to get up close and personal with the projects of artists working at the intersection of imagination, social change and civic participation.

First row (left to right): Indranil Chourdhury, Tara Kesavan, dena igusti, denae howard, quinlan maggio. Seond row (left to right): aditi dey (above), emily bass (below), emmanuel oni, veronica agard, lauren covey. Third row (left to tight): zoe berger, yanni young, Ayo janeen jackson, Maho ogawa.
All Events WERE free and open to the public
Please note: Registration is recommended for all events, but not required.
If you require special access accommodation for any of our events, please contact us at cp@culturepush.org
Spring 2022 Climate Justice Fellow Alicia Raquel Morales convenes a panel on navigating urban spaces, with Alethea Pace and Kayla Hamilton.
Join us for the celebration of PUSH/PULL Issue 19: Heirlooms: On What We Pass Down, edited by Dena Igusti. (Fellow 2022). How do we live with what we inherit? What is considered hereditary? What defines a lineage, and is it always bound by blood? By disposition? By tragedy?
An intergenerational space for Black LBGTQ people to get to know and connect with one another in Harlem through storytelling and archive.
In collaboration with Dayonesart we bring you al fresco art classes led by Black Utopian Fellowship Director Denae Howard, with live models. Materials provided!
The New York City premiere of the short film, "Tear Suture Scab," a comical quasi-fairytale by Ayo Janeen Jackson, which follows Suki, a Black Unicorn and her shadow, Shade, on a journey of resurrection, healing and self-liberation.
Tara Aliya Kesavan and Indranil Choudhury (Fellows 2022), with Aditi Dey, present Bengali Urban Gardening Oral Soundscape, an oral history project and installation that aims to research urban gardening practices within the Bangladeshi community in New York. In neighborhoods like Jamaica in Queens and Sunset Park in Brooklyn, residential homes are often used to grow seasonal produce, turning backyards and open spaces into lush vegetable gardens each year.
The People’s Immunology Committee convenes a post-patriarchal present where cells speak with and through the bodies that hold them. Featuring a performance, workshop and interactive exhibit workshop. Emily Bass (Associated Artist), creator of The Dendron Project, will lead this event, which invites co-creation of a new renderings of knowledge and questions about how bodies heal, recognize and respond.
The Japanese Tea and Ritual Room, presented by Associated Artist Maho Ogawa, takes the form of an interactive performance installation which connects Japanese Tea Ceremony, Zen meditation, and personal ritual and aims to help people find peace through the custom and philosophy of Tea Rituals.
Join Zoe Berger (Associated Artist) to explore a new kit of educational resources to teach concepts of computer coding without any screens necessary! This event is aimed at children aged 5 - 10 years old and introduces Cartesian Coordinates and Planes, as well as Boolean Logic and Logic Loops using fun games and activities.
Join us for a Wages for Art(work) Co-Working Session, where participants are invited to make art while Associated Artist Quinlan Maggio works at their day job. During this hour-long session, participants can engage in any activity that is creatively generative for them, such as drawing, painting, collage, writing, sleeping, cooking, taking a walk, etc.
Veronica Agard (IFÁṢADÙN FÁSANMÍ) (Associated Artist) leads Writing with the Ancestors, where attendees will be guided on how to foster a relationship with their elevated ancestors and experience a healing through writing practice. Participants will also gain access to the Ancestor In Training Syllabus, and a digital journal with bonus prompts to support their journey as Ancestors in Training.
ID: A layered photo filled with warm golden brown textures. At the top and center of the photo is a gold round bowl with spiky black patterns at its edges. The bowl sits on top of the layered textures and has a faded ear in it’s center. Behind the bowl is a transparent silhouette of a person standing. They are pictured from their feet to their waist.
Join Lauren Covey (Associated Artist) as she discusses her new work “a sonic family portrait” and shares her process of working with sound as a mental health tool. She will teach participants her process of recording sound as a coping tool by recording from emotionally charged environments and remixing them into unique soundscapes.
Beyond Memorial workshop transforms public spaces marred by violence, using art to convert sites of loss into areas of healing & celebration. Join Fellow Emmanuel Oni as he introduces Beyond Memorial's origin, its past and current projects, and its cyclical framework. Participants will also create their own “sacred tool”, a kaleido-cycle, that highlights this process based on remembrance, re-imagination, and resistance.