A GIF that bounces bright colored letters saying: Show Don’t Tell 2023 and smaller white capital letters saying: CULTURE PUSH JUNE 10-18. The letters sit on soft upside down hot purple and light green drips running up hot pinks fading to light pink.

Show Don’t Tell Symposium

June 10th - June 29th & July 8th 2023

The sixth anniversary of the Show Don’t Tell Symposium was a chance experience the evolving work of the Culture Push Fellows and Associated Artists.

Through public workshops, screenings, and presentations this annual symposium offers an opportunity to get up close and personal with the projects of artists working at the intersection of imagination, social change and civic participation.

First row (left to right): Indranil Chourdhury, Tara Kesavan, dena igusti, denae howard, quinlan maggio. Seond row (left to right): aditi dey (above), emily bass (below), emmanuel oni, veronica agard, lauren covey. Third row (left to tight): zoe berger, yanni young, Ayo janeen jackson, Maho ogawa.

All Events WERE free and open to the public


Please note: Registration is recommended for all events, but not required.

If you require special access accommodation for any of our events, please contact us at cp@culturepush.org