Fall 2015 Honorary Fellow
Fellows: Victoya Venise
Project: Protect the Art
ABOUT Protect the Art
Protect The Art aimed to be a resource and community hub for artists and youth in under resourced areas. Victoya worked to provide artists with the tools they needed to properly develop their craft, and in return, be community leaders for youth in need. Protect the Art services communities that suffer from gang violence, poverty, failing school systems, and economic and social injustices.
News & Updates
Follow Protect The Art on Facebook or on the website for information about past and upcoming events.
Live Events and artwork exhibited at Artifacts and After Effects
Workshop Series
In March 2015, Victoya led NEON Queens Youth workshops at a Youth Detention Center with Flex Dance Program and Protect the Art. She also organized a Sip & Paint event at Saint's Cafe, 68 Ave C and 5th Street, with raffle drawings all night and a variety of prizes.
Artist Bio
Victoya Venise is a 25-year old WriteHer, DesignHer, LoveHer, and SupportHer of many organizations and people throughout New York City. She believes that women empower women, so women can empower men and children. She is the founder of SisterCircleBk, a program that empowers youth through Yoga, Meditation, DIY Creations, and empowerment activities. She sits on the board of Columbia University's Social Intervention Group (SIG). Born in Oakland CA, raised in Maywood, IL she is a long way from home. However Brownsville, Brooklyn not only blessed her with a home away from home, but a new family as well. Grateful of everything it has given her she gives back by giving a piece of herself. Through spoken word, workshops, or by simply supporting others, she gives her art.
Follow her on instagram @SisterCircleBK